For those of you who are quarantined with a friend or significant other, this partner workout is for you! As with all of my workouts I’ve been posting lately, this workout can be done in a small space with minimal equipment. All you’ll need for this one is a pillow or similar object and a resistance band.
My girlfriend Sarah and I decided that it would be a great idea to film a two-person workout so you guys are able to stay fit with your quarantine roommate. This routine is also great for families too! Just partner up and get started.
There are 8 exercises total, utilizing several different muscle groups for maximum calorie burn. For each exercise, set your phone timer for 1 minute. Do not rest between exercises, and after each full round of the circuit, rest for 2-3 minutes.
Partner Workout: 2-Person Home Routine
Perform each exercise for 1 minute, rest after each round of the circuit. Repeat full circuit for 3-5 total rounds.
Squat with Pillow Pass
Partner Band Triceps Extension
Two-Person Band Row
High Band Curl
Abdominal Leg Toss
Partner Crunch
Partner Hamstrings Negatives
Russian Twist with Pillow Pass
You can see the full video demonstrating each exercise right here: